COVID-19 Protocol

With the re-opening of Theory Hair Studio on May 25, 2020, we kindly request that you review the following guidelines regarding appointment protocol to ensure the health & safety of our clients & staff:

  • Please call us upon arrival for your appointment. We ask that you wait in your vehicle, until we notify you that your stylist is ready for you.

  • While waiting, we will ask you to answer a brief COVID-19 screening questionnaire.

  • All clients & staff will be required to have their temperature taken upon entry. Any reading of 37.6 degrees Celsius or higher, will result in the immediate cancellation of that appointment. We will call to reschedule for a later date.

  • Upon entry, you will be required to use hand sanitizer, provided by Theory Hair Studio.

  • Upon entry, we require you to have a face mask on. If you require a face mask, please notify us upon your arrival and a fee of $2 will be applied to your service total.

  • We will no longer be able to accept "visitors" to service clients, or family & friends to wait in the common waiting area, or next to the stylist’s station. Due to the public gathering & social distancing restrictions, we may only have 1 client for 1 stylist, to ensure we do not exceed our mandated limits. Unfortunately, this requirement also limits parents from bringing children with them when they have an appointment or staying in the salon if their child has an appointment. This is an extremely difficult policy for us, as we love to visit with all our salon families.

  • At the end of your service, payment for services & products will be made at your stylist station, with our wireless POS. At that time, we will also re-book your appointment. There will no longer be transactions made directly at the reception desk.

The team at Theory Hair Studio takes the health & care of our clients seriously. We are committed to the following protocols, to ensure we are providing you with safest environment possible.

  • Staff will wear proper PPE, which includes face masks & gloves.

  • Stylists stations, including their tools, counter, chair will be fully disinfected & sanitized before each client’s service.

  • Wash sinks will be fully sanitized prior to each use.

  • Fresh capes will be used for each client.

  • We have temporarily closed our waiting area, to promote social distancing.

  • Staff schedules may be slightly adjusted, temporarily to ensure we do not exceed gathering restriction limits.

We know that by making these changes now, we are all contributing to the decrease of COVID-19 & other infectious diseases. We want you to know, that while things may look a little different right now, our love for our clients & our passion for exceptional service in the hair industry has not waivered.

We will continue to monitor the constant changing circumstances in which we currently live. If amendments need to be made, we will follow AHS & Provincial & Federal Government direction in doing so.

Theory Hair Studio looks forward to opening our doors to our community once again & for the many years ahead!

Warmest Regards,

Your friends at Theory Hair Studio

Keep in touch via Instagram or Facebook. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

You can book your next appointment here.