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Posts tagged #bellletstalk mentalhealth
There is No Better Love Than Self-Love

Self-love is a hot topic right now, and so we have been reflecting on self-love in relation to mental health. Our passion for hair is so deeply rooted not in how we look, but how we feel - inside. This is the reason we love to share #MondayMantras on our Instagram channel, because we strongly believe that beauty and confidence come from within.

Can you agree that sitting in our stylist’s chair can feel like a relaxing escape from the stress of life, and often we leave the chair feeling like we released the stress to our therapist. Sometimes just talking about it with someone who will listen is just what we need. We reflected on a few, simple ways to show yourself love.

You are what you think you are.
We can be over critical of ourselves, it’s important to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves. Self-love starts in our minds. Ask yourself if you would talk this way towards the person you love most. Forgive yourself, you’re human. Acknowledge the things you love about yourself, and remind yourself of them often.

Baby Steps
Take daily action to turn your goals into reality. It doesn’t have to be big acts, just small and consistent baby steps in the direction that sparks joy, care and excitement. Show yourself love and care by acknowledging the importance of your dreams.

KonMari Your Life
It wasn’t until we Marie-Kondo’d our space that we learned the Netflix phenomenon is not so much about tidying your space as it is about creating space for joy in your life. Marie Kondo is so relevant to the self-love movement. When you let go of the things that don’t spark joy in your life, you create space for the things that help you feel happier. Don’t forget to give thanks for the moments that brought you here and show gratitude for the things you have.

Express Yourself
However you choose to express - through writing, art, connecting with others, find your outlet for letting go. Everyone expresses themselves differently, and if #friDIY nights are not your thing, know that our Theory family is your family, we will listen to whatever you have to say.

You can talk to us - we may not be professional therapists, but we know that connecting helps. We will always listen. This is why we love doing what we do - because we know sometimes feeling good on the inside starts with good hair. If you’re in a dark place, we hope that you find the courage to reach out - you have affordable support!

Find support with the Calgary Mental Health Association

Get Help with Bell Let’s Talk

24-hour Support with the Calgary Distress Centre

Addiction & Mental Health Support with Alberta Health Services